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i3D.net selects Bulk

i3D.net selected our OS:IX Data Center in Oslo to meet their low latency and connectivity needs

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The Customer Challenge
i3D.net decided to further improve their services for customers in Northern Europe. Their requirement was for low latency to facilitate the needs of their gaming community, but while this community was critical they were also required to provide high speed connectivity to other sectors too, namely enterprises that operate VoIP apps, RTC (real time communications) and video conferencing. Bulk's data center in Oslo, OS-IX, was an obvious choice.

The Solution
In establishing a point of presence (PoP) at OS-IX, i3D.net were able to significantly reduce latency for all customers in the western part of the Nordics. As a result, traffic could then be routed through fiber along the southern coast of Norway and directly to Denmark and then further on to the continent.

The End Result
i3D.net needed a partner that could offer a high level of connectivity with tier 1 connections locally, best-in-class security both physically and digitally, back-up solutions to avoid down time and sustainable power solutions. By selecting Bulk’s OS-IX data center in Oslo, i3D.net got all their requirements fulfilled.

“Our location at Bulk’s OS-IX data center helps us reduce latency by up to 16 milliseconds, according to i3D.net’s recent measurements. This is close to 
double the speed of alternative routes”
- Martijn Schmidt, Head of Network at i3D.net

Read the full Case Study: Bulk Data Centers i3 D net Case Study Sept22