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The Bulk Team

The Bulk team has a shared vision of sustainable Nordic infrastructure for the world. One Bulk, one set of values that guide our mission to create a more sustainable future. We respect our customers and the environment, striving to develop data infrastructure and industrial real estate solutions that are ethical and responsible. We approach complex problems with creativity and willingness to challenge conventional thinking. We are passionate about solving our customers’ challenges.

We believe sustainability is a race the world cannot afford to lose. We must run it together united with our fellow businesses, entrepreneurs and innovators to ensure the future of our resources, our creative power, our planet.

Our vision and values


Be caring

Act with honesty, integrity and transparency

Act responsible

Be ethical

Act sustainable

Creative power

Be action-oriented

Be opportunity-driven

Make changes for the better

Be innovative and think outside the box

Be competent


Have the strength to fight a storm

Be able to show emotions

Be dedicated to carry things through

Be driven by motivation

Be passionate in everything we do

Executive Team
Senior Management Team
Bulk Industrial Real Estate - Senior Management Team
Board of Directors